Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Maksud meow-meow si kucing

Tahu tak, kucing ada lebih 30 jenis variasi bunyi meow. Banyak kan?! Bila lapar, nada meow dia lain, bila marah lain, bila nak attention lain pulak. Bagi pembela-pembela kucing, mungkin dapat bezakan bunyi-bunyi ni. Tapi bagi yg tak familiar dgn kucing, mesti rasa bunyi kucing ni sama je nada dia. Kan?

Menurut website http://www.our-happy-cat.com/cat-meowing.html

Cats sounds can be broken down into three broad groups.
  • Murmurs: made with the mouth closed.
  • Vowel patterns: made as the mouth is closing ie meow.
  • Loud intense sounds: made with the mouth open.
Menurut website itu lagi, berikut adalah bunyi2 biasa yg kucing keluarkan beserta dgn maksudnya. Kiranya, deme bercakap dgn kita guna cara meow-meow ni la..

  • he general Meow - attention seeking used to communicate with owners or with kittens.
  • The Chatter – excitement or frustration, often seen when they are looking at birds through a window and can’t get at them. (involves rapid jaw movements).
  • The Growl - warns others to stay away.
  • The Mew (of kittens) – used to attract mothers attention usually when they are hungry or cold.
  • The Hiss – is used as a threat to other cats usually, can also be a sign of fear.
  • The Caterwaul – used when looking for a mate.
  • The Purr – a sign of contentment and relaxation, but also used to comfort itself if in pain.
  • The Scream – used when in pain or distressed, don’t tread on that tail again!
  • The Chirrup – this is a friendly sound, often used to greet other cats or their owners.
Ada faham sekarang?

Tapi kan, kalau Kiru yang berbunyi, taktaulah nak interpret sebagai apa. Sebabnya, Kiru ni sangat annoying. Dah kenyang pun masih mengiau tak henti-henti.

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